Sunday, September 6, 2009

MC in Today's Society???

In today's society there are so many new methods of Mass Communication developing daily. Its role in society now is still similar to what it was in the past. The difference is that there is now a variety of ways to get the message out to the people. Once newspapers were a big way of getting information out to people but now it seems like the newspapers is slowly disappearing and being taken over by the internet, blogs, news websites or other new media. Sometimes I worry about the future of journalist, print production and even publicists. With so many new ways to do things there are no reasons to use certain things that were necessary in the past.

Although, new ways are coming out Mass Communication would never die. I say that because without Mass Communication no society can exist, must less develop and survive. Mass Communication is the technological means of sending information, ideas and opinions from a mass communicator to a complex audience. It is also defined as compromising the institutions and techniques by which specialized groups such as broadcasters, film producers and publishers employ technological devices to disseminate symbolic content to large heterogeneous and widely disperse audience. When it comes to the future of newspapers or any other old media vs. new media an article titled, WSJ: The Future of Newspapers made quite a few good points. In my opinion old media will never fully die out because there are still people who do not have the skills or the technical knowledge to use the new media so they still prefer the old media better.

No matter what Mass Communication still holds a great big importance in our lives. It is the root of everything that we do on a daily basis. When it comes to fashion, movies, music, TV shows and even school Mass Communication plays a part in it. Many eyebrows may raise when they read 'school' but yes it does play a role in it too. As I learned in my textbook, scholars study it to better comprehend the process and to develop theories that explain and predict how the media operate. People make careers out of it. For soceity to exist period, certain communication needs must be met. Here's another link on James Love, Director of CPTech elaborating on the gradations of credibility between old and new media.


  1. Very well said, or shall i say written. Many fail to acknowlegde the root of Mass Comm. With out having or establishing a strong foundation its impossible to blossom into somthing great. Due to the strong foundation of Mass COmm. it has grown in to an extrodinary high tech industry. All thanks to the Old media which established a strong ground for new media to grow on. True old media will farely always in such form because Old media was once a new thing, and now that we prosper and venture into more tchnical things what we know as new media will one day become old media ;-). Our grandparents are ok with finding out new via TV or newspaper where as the new generation(us) find out alot of information through blogging and mainly the internet. One day our kids will blog or better yet chat via new modern way about how what we know as new media to us is now old media to them. Overall very informative and good, nice links also

  2. Excellent. You mesh the academic with the practical and then did some critical thinking.
