Monday, September 21, 2009

Digital Books, Magazines & Kindles!

Digital books are simply electronic copies of your favorite titles. You can download digital books and read them immediately so there is no waiting for shipment and in most cases, they are price competitive with their 'hard copy' counterparts. Digital books also offer the convenience of size and portability, you can store your own personal library of eBooks on your PC, Laptop or hand held device. If you're still confuse on just what they are the link can provide a little bit more information. Magazines are publications that are issued periodically usually bound in a paper cover, and typically contains essays, stories, poems, etc., by many writers, and often photographs and drawings, frequently specializing in a particular subject or area, as hobbies, news, or sports. And Kindles are basically an electronic book device that allowes you to store several different books onto it.

Are digital books and magazines going to end what we know as leisurely reading? I say no to that question. As I've stated in earlier blogs I feel that as long as there are people out who prefer to use magazines and digital books then they will not die. I have recently been introduced to kindles; which is basically a wireless book. As for me, I would definitely rather have the hard copy of whatever book I was reading in my hand. The kindle probably would not become a favorite of mines or even used by me unless it was a necessary thing to have in school. Maybe as time continues to pass, maybe in ten to twenty years magazines will slowly evaporate. Digital books will probably still be around but the Kindle will probably be used more around that time. For example, in the 90's cassette players were the thing then cd players came out and cassette players seem to have went away. Before cassette players there were record players and they soon went out of style. There are a few that still may be around in some homes. So I feel, as of now that digital books and magazines are not coming to an end as leisurely readings. And maybe in ten-twenty years they still will not have disappeared. It all depends on what the people want and the economic.

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