Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Well at this moment I am sitting in my room. I am very, very, very sleepy. I can not go to sleep just yet because I have this blog to write and I've been sitting here trying to think of something to write. I see its kind of hard when you don't have a topic to really write about. I also have a test in my art class that I need to study for. I will as soon as I finish this. But I am so sleepy.

On another note, I am anticipating the remaining events of this week. I can't wait till Friday gets here just because its Friday and that means I will have no class and no homework. Also on Friday BET will be here for the BLACK COLLEGE tour and I am little excited about it. I just hope it does not rain on our parade. I would like to be able to be outside on the Gibbs-Green Plaza instead of the Walter Payton (if it does rain). This will be the first year that I will be able to take part in something like that and I am more than ready to see what it is all about. There will be camera's and celebrity artist and all that good stuff. Things like that are right up my alley. It has media and mass communications written all over it in its very own way. I love the entertainment world and being in the mix of things. Maybe one day when I start working as a TV show host on one of BET's shows I'll get to come back with them to Jackson State for the Black College tour. That would be real nice.

There is a game on Saturday against Southern. It is an away game but the game will be played here so we will have to buy tickets. I do not think I will be going. Not because I will have to buy a ticket but the game just will not be the same without the whole band playing and I probably won't have a way to it since my friend is going home this weekend for Valley's Homecoming game. But that will be alright. This will give me the chance to get some well needed rest and do some well needed homework. So, now I am about to sign out and go study for a few minutes or at least till I fall asleep.


  1. Hey girl!! I too am excited about BET coming here. It will be great exerience to see how everything is going to run. I am so excited about becoming an entertainment publicist and just a Mass Comm major in general. Ivwe been trying to get involved, and I think you should too! I knOW you will :). Anyway, I was glad we had a free write (no offense, Professor Wynn). But I believe wwriting is therapuetic. For me it helps clear my head. If you weren't so sleepy, you'd probably feel the same way. Laughing out loud! I hope you enjoy your weekend and get some rest as well.

  2. Hi there! The tour ended up being real nice and interesting. Alot of people were out. I see me and you have the same future plans. I want to be an entertainment publicist, maybe start off at somebody record label. And I did end up enjoying my weekend. I didnt go to the game or the Boosie concert but I went to the afterparty at the Mansion and it was off the chain. Laugh out loud!

  3. Well, your blogs are an opportunity for you to clear your head. Glad you are getting involved and class is finally responding to the art of writing blogs. Would not be a bad idea to keep and update on yur professional progress.
