Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Does The Media Act Responsibly? Ethically? Define Defamation.

Does the media act responsibly or ethically? Tough question. In order to answer this one must first know what rules the media follow or should follow to act resonsibly or ethically. I would say that the media does not act responsibly all the time. In some ways the media acts responsibly but that is rarely. Sometimes the media promotes what is called the "American Dream." They give people the false perceptions of how it is said people should look, live, act and what they should wear. For example, the media portrays the images of being skinny and having a model type body. People who are not skinny and unhappy with their weight look at those model images and look for ways to become that. For some people, they end up having a low-self esteem, being unhappy and even committing suicide. When in all honesty being skinny or big-boned is not bad as long as both types are healthy. When it comes to information like news and things that go on that may or can harm people then the media acts responsibly. An example of this would be for instance if something happened in your state or area that the police did not want the general public to know at the time, often to protect the integrity of an investigation or even to avoid embarrassment to their department. However, media representatives act under responsibility to present certain information regardless of the desires of the law officials. Here is an article talkin about the media not being ethical.

Does the media act ethically? Ethically is defined as being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of a profession. Honestly, taking a wild guess I would say yes. The media does act ethically according to the definition. The media does have ethical obligations to present only the information they believe to be factual. In law, defamation is the communication of a statement that makes a claim expressly stated or implied to be factual. It is usually, but not always, a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication to communicated to someone other than the person defamed. It is also known as slander(for spoken words) and libel(for written or otherwise published words)

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