Monday, October 26, 2009

Is it Facts or Feelings??

As a future PR person I need to get more in tuned with the news. I am not one who can say that I know a lot about MSNBC or Fox News. Although when I did watch the at home it was Fox News that I watched. I have yet to understand how things go on in the new business or how journalist and reporters go about doing things. Before this Intro. to Mass Communication class I really did not think that a news anchor/reporter could be biased and that all they did were report the story the way they were told or the way that it happened. So I am still learning.
Right now I am watching a video of a reporter on MSNBC's website. The story is about the escalation of money feud between John and Kate Gosselin. The reporter tells both sides of what John and Kate are each saying. They then shows a snippet of John Gosselin saying something about it. At the end the reporter asked, "Do we care about this, honestly?" Fox News seems to focus more on politics. I saw more political reports than anything else. MSNBC seems to be have more reports on things that go on with celebrities including politics and all that other stuff.
I hear that Fox News is one biased news channel. Maybe that is said because they throw in their opinions when giving its viewers the story. The slogan says, "Fair and Balanced" but some may disagree with that. As I watched the two reporting's were they objective? Were they free of bias? Was it based on facts rather than opinions and feelings? In a way I feel that MSNBC was kind of nonobjective because at the end the reporter added her two cents. The video I watched about the jet that overshot the airport giving by Fox News seemed okay. I did not hear to many of their own opinions. I feel that it was objective. They gave information from the pilot and other primary sources. This time around Fox News did not add there opinions but the reporter at MSNBC added hers.

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