Monday, October 26, 2009

The World Wide Web...

The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view Web pages that may contain text, images, video, and other multimedia and navigate between them using hyperlinks. Before the existence of the World Wide Web there was not really too much of anything we could do. The things that could be done were improved once the World Wide Web was invented. The World Wide Web has changed the way we live our lives true enough. We can now pay our bills over the internet. We can check our bank accounts over the internet. We can shop online, watch movies and videos, we can send pictures, have long distance conversations through the world wide web. There is so much. The internet is a promotion place for anybody trying to get known. For example, people who want to become apart of the music industry.

Is it okay to say that for most of us the internet is our friend. The World Wide Web allows us to look for jobs and apply for them. It allows us to search different colleges and apply to those colleges. And for those of us who are already in college we can go online to make up our schedule, pay for tuition, and even complete registration. Although as for me I would rather tend to all that stuff with someone directly, face to face. Once again the World Wide Web gives us the privilege to do a lot of things. There are hardly any limitations to what one can do over the internet. Relationships are able to be made through the World Wide Web. We can even create our own websites to further promote a business and/or other things. I am currently in the process of trying to find a way to create a free website to promote myself for my future career. Some of my favorite things to do through the World Wide Web is networking, uploading pictures to my Facebook or Myspace, downloading music. Most of all online shopping even though that sometimes has its quirks.

Is it Facts or Feelings??

As a future PR person I need to get more in tuned with the news. I am not one who can say that I know a lot about MSNBC or Fox News. Although when I did watch the at home it was Fox News that I watched. I have yet to understand how things go on in the new business or how journalist and reporters go about doing things. Before this Intro. to Mass Communication class I really did not think that a news anchor/reporter could be biased and that all they did were report the story the way they were told or the way that it happened. So I am still learning.
Right now I am watching a video of a reporter on MSNBC's website. The story is about the escalation of money feud between John and Kate Gosselin. The reporter tells both sides of what John and Kate are each saying. They then shows a snippet of John Gosselin saying something about it. At the end the reporter asked, "Do we care about this, honestly?" Fox News seems to focus more on politics. I saw more political reports than anything else. MSNBC seems to be have more reports on things that go on with celebrities including politics and all that other stuff.
I hear that Fox News is one biased news channel. Maybe that is said because they throw in their opinions when giving its viewers the story. The slogan says, "Fair and Balanced" but some may disagree with that. As I watched the two reporting's were they objective? Were they free of bias? Was it based on facts rather than opinions and feelings? In a way I feel that MSNBC was kind of nonobjective because at the end the reporter added her two cents. The video I watched about the jet that overshot the airport giving by Fox News seemed okay. I did not hear to many of their own opinions. I feel that it was objective. They gave information from the pilot and other primary sources. This time around Fox News did not add there opinions but the reporter at MSNBC added hers.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I am What I watch!

As of now I am at home for the weekend so when I am here in my room I watch more TV than I would at school. This is maybe because I share a TV with my roommate and at home it's my own TV. Right now I am tuned into the Food Network channel watching Ace of Cakes. I like seeing them make the different cakes. Do I watch a lot of television? I would say so so but not too much. I would like to start watching the news more. That is something I really need to do more. In high school I did watch Fox news almost everyday at 5:00 after the Maury Show but since I have gotten to school that has changed. Since I am a little busier now than I was I mostly watch TV around 7 or 9:00 and earlier on the weekends. I have a routine that I try to keep up with. Most of everything I like to watch comes on at night on Tuesdays and Thursdays sometimes Monday. So every Thursday at 9 I am tuned into The Real Housewives of Atlanta as of now. On Tuesday I was tuned into Tiny & Toya until the season was over and on Mondays I used to make sure I watched Runs House or Daddy's Girls.
I would not say that I have a TV habit. I would say that what I do take the time out to watch on TV relates to my personality in many ways. I watch a lot of reality shows, fashion shows, forensic science episodes and even cooking shows. I love reality shows like The Real Housewives of Atlanta because they are a group of talented, wealthy and pretty black women. I see what I want to be in the future in some of them when it comes to a loving family, the clothing lines, owning my own business, living in a big house, making money and just being known world wide. I love fashion. One day I dream to be apart of something dealing with clothes whether its opening up a boutique, learning how to sew, creating my own line (with someone else or by myself) or just walking down the runway during Fashion Week in New York. At one point in my life I wouldn't have mind majoring in something dealing with Forensics. CSI: Miami is my favorite.
Basically whatever I watch it ties in with things I want to accomplish in life. I am a very versatile person with a lot of things on my to do list in life. They say, "You are what you eat" but I would rather say, "I am what I watch." Just like the books I read or write, the TV shows I watch give me a chance to live in someone elses life just for a few minutes until I can make it possible in my own life. And I am patiently waiting on Monica's season of Still Standing to come out Tuesday. Here are just a couple links to some of the networks that show the shows I like to watch: http: CWtv, BET, TLC and Bravo. Television is how I stay intuned with what is going on in the world and my future.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Movies Today vs. Years Ago!

Over the years the process of motion pictures have expanded or improved. Something that is now so big was once so small. Motion pictures were possible because of two quirks of the human perceptual system: the phi phenomenon and persistence of vision. In the early 19th century, a host of toys that depended on this principle were created in Europe. Later on other things like the Kinetoscope was perfected my Williams Dickinson. Nickelodeons were soon created and it cost a nickel just to see a short 1-minute film. As time passed movies were made longer but the cost to make the movie got higher as well. Different theaters and film productions were becoming available. MPPC (Motion Picture Patents Company) was formed to restrict movie making to the nine companies that made up the MPPC. But by 1917, the organization has lost it power. Hollywood became the central area for filming and production and a star system was made. Constantly, different changes were happening in the film industry and motion pictures went from no sound to sound in the late 1920's. Warner Brother's made this step. When the Great Depression hit the novelty of sound gave a boost to the film industry and it was regarded as Depression-proof industry. From 1960 and on up the industry continued to grow. More money was being made. More money were put into creating and filming the movie.

There are more and more production companies today. A few old ones are still around, have changed names or have died out to make way for new companies. Motion picture in the digital age is a lot more improved then in the past. It continues to make billions of dollars. Many big-budget motion pictures such as Superman Returns and Miami Vice, were shot with digital cameras. Digital distribution is much cheaper. Movies can be sent on disc or electronically by satellite or optical fiber or even the internet. The biggest problem with moving to such a system is that most movie theaters are not yet equipped to handle digital distribution or projection. Converting theaters to the new technology will require a significant financial commitment. There are also several revenue streams for the motion picture industry: (1) money taken in at the U.S. box office, (2) revenue from the international box office, (3) sales and rentals of DVDs and tapes, and (4) miscellaneous video sources such as pay-per-view and video-on-demand. A lot is done in order to make a movie, finalize everything once its done, promote the movie and get it out there for people to see. The process seems long but its a good money making industry.

Not only has changes been made in those areas of the filming industry but in other areas as well. As for as actors and actresses there are a vast variety of different races in the movie business. There aren't only whites but black, Latinos and other races. There are different movie plot being shown on the big screen. More independent film companies are out. Basically the world of motion picture is more diverse now than it was 10-20 years ago. Here's a link that can provide more information for you on this topic.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Diversity in Music...

Is music changing? I can say yes to that. The top 5 albums on the Billboards are the Backspacers by Pearl Jam, The Blueprint 3 by Jay-Z, Life Starts Now by Three Days Grace, I Look To You by Whitney Houston and The Time Of Our Lives by Miley Cyrus. Is there diversity in music? Ofcourse there is. Starting with genres, there are several different genres. Some artist today can fit in more than one of those genres. On the Billboard Charts there is diversity. The Pearl Jams are more of a rock band and Jay-Z is more of Hip-Hop. I also noticed that there is a slight diversity in age of these top 5 artist. Instead of people listening to a certain type of music they have broaden their horizons and sought interest in other types. Artist also are moving out of one particular sound. For example, Lil' Wayne started out as rap or hip-hop but he is now adding a little rock into his songs.

On another note album sales are dropping. Artist may be saling a good amount of ablums but without free downloading tools and sites more CD's could be sold. Now adays you have people who would rather download an album for free instead of buying it for the regular price. With the free use of Limewire and Bearshare are reasons that play apart in the decline of CD sales of an artists album. I only buy CD's if I just totally like a person and want to support them. For example Chris Brown, every album he has come out with I have supported him and brought the album. Even when he put out Dual Editions of the same album I purchased it also. The artist Keri Hilson is another person whose CD I have purcahsed recently. They are not the only artist I really like because when it comes to music I love it. Music plays apart in why I chose the career path that I have chosen.

In my opinion the two best inventions that have come out is the ipod and ringtones. I love them with a passion. When an ipod first came out I wasn't too excited or fond of it. I felt like I didn't care if I had one or not but once I got one I liked it and now my ipod is like my baby. Beside the fact that I they created text messaging on cellphones the only other reason I like cellphones is because of the ability to have ringtones. Without it I don't think a cellphone would interest me as much as it does. When it comes to ipods and ringtones I believe they have a positive affect on CD sales. I say this because hundreds and thousands of people buy ringtones and artist get money from people purchasing their songs as ringtones. Ringtones help artist make money as well. iTunes also sell songs that send at least a certain percentage to artists. The only negative effect I feel that iTunes might play on a CD sale is that you can Limewire music and add it to your iTunes playlist that will get transfered to your ipod. But there is an article about a lawsuit demanding the end of iTunes. It basically states that CD sales dropped because of iTunes. I disagree to that though. You have some people who don't condone using Limewire or "stealing" music as some call it so they would rather buy an artist album or purchase songs off of iTunes.