Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Brighter Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is a day for love, for giving, and for showing those you care about just how much you care. On Monday February 14, 2011 love is exactly what I felt at Methodist Specialty Care Center. I had the chance to experience and be apart of a great event. It was very touching to see the smiles and to hear the laughs from the patients there.

Upon arriving at MSCC I didn't think I would enjoy myself. Honestly, I was tired from all the school work and was just ready to go take a nap. But once the patients rolled in to eat dinner things begin to change and my spirit was uplifted. As they ate I went around taking pictures and I met some nice people. Then the entertainment began and the place got live. I really enjoyed the show that MADDRAMA Performing Troupe put on and the patients did as well. That was a wonderful thing to know.

Once the event was over a few students from my Special Projects class went upstairs to give those who didn't make it to the show little Valentine's Day gifts and this is the moment where I really was touched and got teary-eyed as I begin to think about some of the things people including myself take for granted in life. To see some of the patients in a great mood inspite of their circumstances was an eye opener. Knowing there were patients at MSCC my age who still did/participated in things inspite of their disabilities was an eye opener for me as well. Life is not worth taking for granted.

It made me greatly happy that I had a chance to partake in something as heartfelt as that. To see those less fortunate than me smile was breathtaking. I loved every moment of my time at MSCC and I would love to attend regularly.

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